Sour Cream Dill Potato Salad

Creamy potato salad with sour cream and dill dressing. It’s incredibly creamy, tangy, and makes the best warm-weather side dish!


No summer is complete without a bowl of creamy potato salad. Although everyone’s favorite recipe is a little different, most rely on a mix of mayo and mustard to dress the starchy potatoes.

Our version for a potato salad combines sour cream with mayo and Dijon mustard to create the most creamy yet tangy rich dressing. And the fresh dill adds a fresh, citrus-like taste to the salad.

It’s also super simple to make and it’s ready to eat after it had time to chill. Chilling the potato salad allows the flavors to meld and truly makes the best-tasting potato salad.

Waxy potatoes like new potatoes or red bliss potatoes are best for a potato salad. They are low in starch and high in moisture. Also, they have creamier, firm flesh, and hold up well when boiled.